Tóm tắt

With the advantages of geostrategic location, socio-economics, in spite of existing many “hot spots” in terms of security, Southeast Asia became the disputed territory for the important influence of many major countries in the world, including both two powers and the two largest economies in the world – the US and China. The two countries are competing in the influence and leadership position in the Southeast Asia through the integration plans and different geopolitical approaches. Since the early 21st century, the relation between the US and China with Southeast Asia has had great developments. Although the two countries have a starting point of different strategies and tactics for Southeast Asia, both parties have many common interests in promoting cooperation with the region. Southeast Asia is peaceful, stable and prosperous in accordance with the common interest of the US and China. The article compares China and the US foreign policy and analyses the strategic competition between the two countries in Southeast Asia to clearly understand the strategic direction of foreign affairs as well as the influences of both the US and China to the situation of Southeast Asia for two decades of the early 21st century.
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Tài liệu tham khảo

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