Tóm tắt

This article aims to investigate the disadvantaged, mountainous EFL teachers’ perceptions of the necessity and effectiveness of the national large-scale English language proficiency training to their teaching. One hundred and fifty teachers having experienced in the English language proficiency training workshop(s) by authorized institutions and achieved the CEFR-C1 level as professional standards participated in the study. Data were collected through questionnaire, reflective report, and interview. During the data collection and analysis, a mixed-methods research design was employed. Overall, the findings have indicated that language proficiency training workshops are believed to help the teachers increase the level of proficiency and master pedagogical skills. The teachers felt confident, motivated and proud of themseves as a result of the training activities. On the basis of the findings, practical implications have been made so as to increase the sustainability of professional development activities for school teachers in remote, disadvantaged areas.
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Tài liệu tham khảo

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