
dạy học theo bối cảnh; dạy học toán theo bối cảnh; phương án REACT; nâng đỡ vừa sức; mô hình hóa toán học; tích phân xác định contextual teaching and learning (CTL); contextual teaching and learning in mathematics; REACT strategy; scaffoding; mathematical modeling; definite integrals


The aims of this article are (1) to propose the principles of teaching and learning practice to approach contextual teaching and learning in mathematics with REACT strategy; (2) to find out the impacts of organisation of teaching definite integrals concept under these principles on economics students. Through theoretical researches, we present seven principles of teaching and learning practice to approach contextual teaching and learning in mathematics with REACT strategy. Based on these principles, we designed to teach definite integrals concept and conducted teaching experiment on 29 first-year economics students at University of   Economics - The University of Da Nang. Analysis of results collected from their learning tasks, observations during the learning process of these students and their questionnaires after teaching experiment session showed that the seven principles had positive effects on the students: engaged their learning interest through a number of expressions such as offering more solutions and  more actively involving in their learning processes, being aware of the significances of the teaching experiment session and the contextual problems; moreover, contributed to enhance their generalising ability and formulate their mathematical modeling competency through scaffolding mathematical modeling process with five steps.



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