
Tourism-based livelihood capacity, ethnic minority households, and factors influencing capacity Năng lực sinh kế du lịch, hộ dân tộc thiểu số, nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến năng lực


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the ability of ethnic minority households in An Giang province to earn a living from tourism. The study surveyed 390 Khmer, Cham, and Chinese minority households in An Giang province. Using the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) conceptual framework and multivariate linear regression analysis. Human resources, social resources, financial resources, natural resources, and physical resources are identified as the five factors that influence the capacity of ethnic minority households to earn a living through tourism. regime. In which human resources play a crucial role in enhancing the ability of ethnic minority households to earn a living from tourism. Those households with large gardens, land near tourist attractions, traditional occupations, traditional houses, beautiful landscapes, and locations near tourist attractions are ranked as the second most important natural resource. The capacity of EM households to earn a living via tourism will improve. From there, propose solutions to enhance the capacity of ethnic minority households in An Giang province to earn a living through tourism.



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