
Hue University Journal of Science has 6 journals published under the management of an Editor-in-Chief. Accordingly, each journal has its own professional editor and editorial board.

1) Hue University Journal of Science: Natural Science

ISSN (Print) 1859-1388 | ISSN (Online) 2615-9678 | DOI: 10.26459

2) Hue University Journal of Science: Techniques and Technology

ISSN (Print) 2588-1175 | ISSN (Online) 2615-9732 | DOI: 10.26459

3) Hue University Journal of Science: Agriculture and Rural Development

ISSN (Print) 2588-1191 | ISSN (Online) 2615-9708 | DOI: 10.26459

4) Hue University Journal of Science: Earth Science and Environment

ISSN (Print) 2588-1183 | ISSN (Online) 2615-9694 | DOI: 10.26459

5) Hue University Journal of Science: Economics and Development

ISSN (Print) 2588-1205 | ISSN (Online) 2615-9716 | DOI: 10.26459

6) Hue University Journal of Science: Social Sciences and Humanities

ISSN (Print) 2588-1213 | ISSN (Online) 2615-9724 | DOI: 10.26459